Legislative Contacts

One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is you end up governed by your inferiors” – Plato 

Since you opened this tab, you are probably looking for help in talking with your legislative representative, your Senator or Representative. The first step is to find who your representative is, just go to Find Your Legislator page and click the link to look them up.

Next the bill or issue you are concerned about. You may want to see if there is any analyses or fact sheets on our Fact Sheet and Links page.  Then it is a simple two step process – go to in.gov/legislative and search on the bill number (upper right corner) then click on the returned bill title and read the synopsis. Indiana’s Constitution says that our statutes must be on one topic and plainly worded. (Sections 19 and 20 Article 4) 

Use the menus on the left (of the Legislature website) to check the Bill Actions to see where a bill is in the process. Use the Committee menu to select House or Senate Committee to see if a hearing is scheduled.

Now for a phone call.  In most “contacting your legislator” attempts you will never actually speak on the phone to your Senator or Representative. It will most likely be a staff person or some other assistant. Let them know your point of view, they are just tallying “for” and “against” calls and may not be very knowledgeable on the actual issue.
Congratulations, you have participated. (See quote above)
General Phone Numbers:     House (800) 382-9842       Senate (800) 382-9467

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