Most Natural Resources are Outside Indianapolis …

INCA needs member support across the state as well.
To strengthen our “unified voice advocating for public funding for land, water, and wildlife“, the INCA is hosting a series of regional grassroots meetings to identify and engage conservation-minded citizens in the effort to secure meaningful public funding for conservation.  
At these meetings, we will share information about INCA and provide a brief history of our conservation funding advocacy and the results.  Most importantly, we want to talk to people locally to hear what is important to them to protect, what their communities are doing and how state programs might be useful.  We want to find out how much people are or aren’t communicating with their legislators.  If they’re not, how can we assist?   If they are, we want to support and encourage them to continue and will do our best to provide them pertinent information or provide assistance as needed.
As you know we are in an era of reducing government, but as a former legislator told us, “priorities get funded in good times and priorities get funded in bad times.”  We want to grow our influence with members of the general assembly – both in their districts and at the statehouse –to make conservation funding a statewide priority.     
The meetings will be held in:
Southeast Indiana
Date:  Tuesday, August 26th
6 pm to 8 pm (EDT)
Location:  Batesville Memorial Public Library
131 N. Walnut Street
Batesville, IN

Southern Indiana
New Albany/Jeffersonville/Clarksville area
Date:   September 11, 6 to 8 p.m.
Location: Pineview Government Center
2524 Corydon Pike
Rm. 102
New Albany, IN  47150

Northern Indiana

South Bend/Elkhart area 
Date and location to be announced
For more information about a specific regional meeting, contact:
for North meeting:  Holly Jones,, 317-517-9180
for South meeting:  Lynn Dennis,, 317-829-3810
for Southeast meeting: Tim Maloney,, 812-369-8677